Home Organization
4 hour minimum
ORGNZE began as a home organizing company and that remains the cornerstone of our operation. We create order out of chaos, finding beauty and bliss in your home to insure your home is truly your castle. A peaceful, organized home breeds relaxation knowing everything has a place. Among our services:
Closet Management
Do you have a closet full of clothing and nothing to wear? Are you hanging onto those high school jeans because, well…one day…they might? It wasn’t your high school jeans that changed. It’s your genes. Time to let go. We’ve all been there and at ORGNZE we help bring back space to your closet and help you find all your special outfits!
Arrange clothing seasonally to maximize space and utility
Pare down items that are no longer useful, in fashion, or fit your lifestyle
Donate or sell the gently used items
Find innovative storage solutions to protect your items and make your closet more functional
We recommend matching hangers and places to store shoes and loose items that tend to get displaced. We not only organize, we show you how to create a system to keep it that way.

Kitchen Organization
The kitchen is the heart of the home and is generally the house’s most heavily trafficked room. Let us create an inviting and lively space for the whole family.
Cupboard, drawers, refrigerator, and pantry organization
Declutter and remove out of date or unused items in your refrigerator
Donate or dispose of kitchen appliances and gadgets you no longer use
We will even provide maintenance service to get back on track after a big family event or party
We also offering shopping services to set up a new kitchen with the staples you need and then get them organized in beautiful canisters and bins
Home Office & Paper Management
Many of us work from home and find that our home office becomes a dumping ground for mounds of paperwork. With a little help from ORGNZE, your home office can operate like a well-oiled machine.
Create custom organization systems
Implement a “handle-it-once” policy
Space planning for furniture and electronics to maximize efficiency
Shredding. Yes, we can do your shredding
Create an efficient filing system

Garage Organization
Have you longed to park your car in the garage to escape the cold winters and hot summer sun? We can help. Sports equipment, lawn equipment, and holiday decorations all occupy a lot of space in our garages when we simply want room for our car.
Reorganize and create useful space
Remove and recycle unwanted items
Space saving and planning around sports and leisure supplies
Create more functional laundry/cleaning area
Arrange for maintenance, painting, and/or repairs to increase utility of garage
Living/Family Room
Does the area where you want to relax not feel very relaxing? We can help.
Sort through old, dated electronics and arrange for donation/recycling
Organize and/or discard old DVDs and VHS tapes
Create more functional and relaxing living space with furniture placement
Declutter and remove unused items

​Dining Room
Do you long to enjoy a family meal at your dining room table? Perhaps entertain more and enjoy the holidays? We can help create an inviting space for all your guests.
Organize and declutter china closets
Move non-dining room items to their proper place
Arrange furniture to increase space and create entertaining atmosphere
Your bedroom should be your retreat. Sleep is a huge component of health but if your bedroom isn't relaxing, you will not get the sleep needed to tackle life during your waking hours.
Declutter and pare down dresser drawers
Arrange furniture to optimize sleep
Move non-bedroom items to their proper place